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Recent Weather Significant recent weather observed in the period since the last routine observation will be reported by using the code letters for weather preceded by the letters RE e.g. RETS = Recent Thunderstorms. Ref: [1]
RExx.. significant 'recent' weather may be added after the pressure group, using the list below.
Thunderstorm | RETS | Freezing Rain | REFZRA |
Freezing Drizzle | REFZDZ | Moderate/heavy rain | RERA |
Moderate/heavy snow | RESN | Moderate/heavy small hail | REGS |
Moderate/heavy snow pellets | REGS | Moderate/heavy ice pellets | REPL |
Moderate/heavy hail | REGR | Moderate/heavy snow grains | RESG |
Moderate/heavy rain showers | RESHRA | Moderate/heavy snow showers | RESHSN |
Moderate/heavy small hail shower | RESHGS | Moderate/heavy snow pellet shower | RESHGS |
Moderate/heavy ice pellet shower | RESHPL | Moderate/heavy hail shower | RESHGR |
Moderate/heavy ice crystals | REIC | Moderate/heavy blowing snow (visibility significantly reduced) | REBLSN |
Sandstorm | RESS | Dust Storm | REDS |
Funnel Cloud | REFC | Volcanic Ash | REVA |
Unidentified precipitation (AUTO obs. only) | REUP |
Ref: [2]